In the year 2020, I released a book, written with a friend, called "Next Level Taschengeld". We were both tech nerds back then and decided to write the book completely in Markdown with the assistance of Git.
I recently found this project again and wanted to share some lessons about it.
The output
About the book
The word Taschengeld stands for pocket money in German. It is about building sustainable affiliate marketing websites within a niche, where not a lot of competitors exist.
Although I am not behind the topic anymore today, it taught me a lot about writing structure and expressing my thoughts as simply as possible.
Creating a pdf and epub
We wanted to bundle all the markdown files, located in the src
directory of the repository, into a single pdf
and epub
For this, I opted for the following tool stack:
pandoc (converts input formats like markdown to other formats)
pdflatex (pdfengine to convert pandoc formats to pdf)
GNU Make (to fixate the pandoc commands for everybdoy)
The final makefile
all: all-before dist/book.epub dist/book.pdf
mkdir -p dist
dist/book.epub: $(wildcard chapters/*) $(wildcard resources/**/*) Makefile
pandoc --toc --toc-depth=2 -f markdown --css resources/styling.css -o dist/book.epub chapters/* \
dist/book.pdf: $(wildcard chapters/*) $(wildcard resources/**/*) Makefile
pandoc --toc --toc-depth=2 -f markdown \
--css resources/styling.css \
-o dist/book.pdf chapters/* \
-V papersize=A5 \
-V documentclass=book \
-V mainfont="Proxima Nova" \
-V geometry:margin=0.95in \
--pdf-engine pdflatex \
--epub-cover-image=./resources/cover.jpg \
rm -r dist
Bundling this into a GitHub action
The GitHub action is much simpler. It just runs make
and looks like this
name: 'Compile'
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
image: pandoc/latex:2.9.2
- ./:/data
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install Make
run: apk add --no-cache make
- name: Run Make
run: make all
- name: Upload dist
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: book-dist
path: dist/
It uses the pandoc/latex
container, which ships with everything I need besides make.
To solve the puzzle, I just needed to install make
on that container and fire!
With the action actions/upload-artifact
the pipeline uploads the generated artifacts to the internal store, where they can be downloaded.
Template repository
Are you planning to step into my footsteps? You can find the repository here and reuse the code.
The book didn't sell. But it was a great project for learning how to write more structuredly and to learn about pandocs incredible superpowers.
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