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Software development, particularly on the frontend, has grown increasingly complex over the years. As a developer at RoyalZSoftware, where we build...
When talking about test driven development there are a lot of hurdles and it's a stready process. It takes weeks, months and maybe years to get used...
Or call it a less bloated storybook alternative for react native · This blog post might be a very important piece of knowledge that will get you into...
As a software developer I wish somebody would have taught me earlier about the bad practice of using console.log. What about you? Are you still using...
Monorepos have drawbacks and especially might become tricky to work with. Here's why. To talk about drawbacks, we need to compare it to something...
The benefits of a monorepo and small tooling guide · Don't miss out on the great benefits of a monorepo. This post is about monorepos, it's benefits and...